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Opportunity Fund

The Education Opportunity Fund provides catalytic support for sustainable impact in the following areas:

  • Enhancing Educational Access: Expanding access to education with a focus on STEM by funding technology and programs that help remove barriers for students in grades K-12 in the United States and international equivalent.
  • Promoting Emotional Wellbeing: Advancing the development of long-term social-emotional and mental health resources for students and schools that are under-resourced.
  • Improving Educational Systems: Addressing policy changes, updating curricula, and supporting an expansive talent pipeline within the education sector.

Applicants may include funding for administrative costs (“overhead”) associated with programs or projects to the extent that the costs are necessary to successfully implement the proposed project or services.

Education Opportunity Fund grants will be issued in the range of $50,000 – $250,000 per year for 1, 2, or 3 years.

Download Education Opportunity Fund Eligibility Requirements


The KLA Foundation’s Education Opportunity Fund grant cycle will begin in Spring 2025.


  • Accepting LOIs: April 14 – May 9
  • Invitation to Apply Extended: June 9
  • Application Deadline: July 11
  • Award Notification: by September 30
  • Funds Disbursed & Public Announcement:  approximately October 30